October 20-21, 2021
Saint Petersburg
The consolidated but тоlegitimate OPPOSITION to the immoral and transhuman abuse of rights and freedoms of the Earth citizens by the constrained syndicate of globalists cynically using the mechanism of the biological and information terrorism developed by them, SHOULD rely in its noble activity on a solid scientific basis, clear argumentation and opinions of competent professionals. Only this will allow us to deny speculative accusations by mass disinformation media and inform population of the states exposed to hybrid intervention, in an available form and will help to mobilize and target energy of the society to a constructive direction.
On March 11, 2020, the General Director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus declared a pandemic on behalf of the World Health Organization not having any authorities for that. The introduction of term “pandemic” into the circulation, from the legal point of view, is not regulated and does not imply the adoption of additional special reaction measures.
Epidemic thresholds were not exceeded, and no epidemic was declared. The measures against the increased infectious morbidity and mortality were and are:
● scientifically unsound;
● predominantly erroneous, inconsistent with international and domestic legislation of the countries;
● violating the rights and freedoms of citizens, and endangering their lives and health.
In fact, everything that is being done under the pretext of COVID-19 pandemic and epidemic
is a planetary-scale deception and fraud. These actions, in our opinion, require a detailed investigation by the International Criminal Court for the benefit of future generations.
Mass PCR testing to identify people infected with SARS-CoV-2 is made using unreliable test systems and is an inappropriate method for detection of patients with COVID-19 infection, since the polymerase chain reaction method itself is not applicable for diagnostics of acute infectious processes.
The constantly increasing daily PCR testing, unreasonably high financial incentives of hospitals for identification and treatment of patients with COVID-19, as well as, statistical manipulations create a false morbidity picture and lead to incorrect medical and administrative decisions, as well as, corruptive activities.
The uncontrolled use of glucocorticosteroids yet in outpatient medical care and then in hospitals, leads to unsound suppression of immunity which allows a nosocomial infection to enter the body causing pneumonia, sepsis and death. This is the cause of death of thousands of people now.
Testing and “vaccination” of children against coronavirus is regarded by the conference participants (and by the overwhelming part of our society) as an infringement of the most sacred that we have - as an attack on the life and health of children.
Not a single vaccine against COVID-19 has passed the assigned phases of clinical trials to prove its effectiveness and safety which means that we cannot talk about “preventive vaccination of the population", since this is a fraud, lie and forgery.
The increase in excessive mortality among adult population in 2021, in our opinion, is directly related to the aggressive and massive “vaccination against COVID-19”.
We are convinced that the group of individuals is conducting the agreed destructive global activities with the prior collusion, with the violation of the fundamental constitutional and international rights of citizens. An unlimited circle of people is forced to participate in the scientifically unsound experiment on their lives and health without a full voluntary informed consent, with the violation of medical principles including epidemiology, immunoprophylaxis and monitoring of the results of these experimental studies. At the same time, a variety of medical interventions without establishing feedback, life and health insurance of test participants are widely practiced. Complications and contraindications are not evaluated anyhow, dispensary observation groups are not formed.
COVID-19 is not a particularly dangerous infection, but the term which was deliberately introduced with the law violation to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2020 N 66
“On introduction of changes to the list of diseases being dangerous for surrounding people” when there were only 2 “asymptomatic” carriers of the disease in Russia for the further limitation of our rights and preparation of the population for the infodemic.
We express our indignation at the abundance (thirteen!) of the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the management of patients with COVID-19 which have been developed without a broad and adequate analysis of the results of previous recommendations and without any indication of their preventive targets, reducing all immunization to unreasonable hopes for production of miraculous vaccines which violates all the principles of epidemiology, according to which vaccine prophylaxis is contraindicated during an extensive epidemic outbreak in order to avoid antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). The fallacy of the approach of the Ministry of Health and Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing is confirmed by the tripling of the number of diseases and doubling of mortality rates in the second half of 2021.
We are convinced and affirm that it is the natural immunity, not the immunity acquired as a result of vaccine immunization, is the best and most reliable protection against acute respiratory viral infections including those caused by coronaviruses. The opposite is a ridiculous anti-scientific heresy not supported by any evidence-based research.
The intimidation of the population with video horror stories and statistical manipulations at state TV channels has an obviously unhealthy and criminal connotation, and is aimed to force people to the “vaccination” centers by all means.
The imperative administrative appeals are accompanied with blackmail as the reduction of privileges, social benefits and the promise of other right limitations, as well as outright bribery of citizens with all kinds of “lotteries”, distribution of gifts and even cash bonuses to employers for each “vaccinated” employee.
The substitution of concepts, scientific approaches, replacement of governmental and scientific councils by non-professional staffs, deliberate creation of chaos and conflict situations, coercion to use masks, gloves, QR codes, COVID passports and smartphones are the essence of the part of international criminal activity that requires the closest investigation and, according to its results, criminal prosecution of all persons who have violated the law.
⎯ the use of terms “epidemic” and “pandemic” by officials and mass media, substitution of concepts and manipulation with the terms such as “asymptomatic patient”, “disease threat”, “threat of further spread of infection”, “ground glass symptom”, “virus” , “PCR test”, “vaccination” - each of which has been used differently than now, until 2020, or did not have any special significance at all;
⎯ issuance of normative legal acts limiting our rights due to the “disease threat” replacing (previously) existing scientific and legal approaches;
⎯ the use of mass and unsound testing of people with unverified test systems for diagnostics of COVID-19;
⎯ the continuation of the mass lethal “vaccination” against COVID-19;
⎯ introduction of “preventive vaccination against COVID-19” into the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations;
⎯ premature certification of “COVID-19 vaccines” due to allegedly successfully completed clinical trials;
⎯ segregation of people by “vaccine” status and the introduction of QR codes (the so-called COVID-passports);
⎯ unreasonable transfer of schoolchildren and students to distance learning;
⎯ illegal “lockdowns” and “self-isolation”, as well as, we are against the penalties for non-compliance with illegal and scientifically unreasonable measures.
1. To return to scientific approaches in epidemiology, virology and immunoprophylaxis;
2. To return to the implementation of constitutional and international rights of citizens which are limited as a result of a hypothetical, and not a real health danger that is, in the absence of an epidemic, is criminal;
3. To diagnose COVID-19 not based on the results of PCR testing, but on the basis of the clinical picture of patients.
4. Due to the significant number of post-vaccination deaths and severe post-vaccination complications, to stop the lethal experiment until all such cases are fully investigated, and the causes of their occurrence are established. To form a database for recording and statistical accounting of post-vaccination complications and deaths as a result of the vaccination with any immunobiological products, and entrust its maintenance to a public organization independent of the government and pharmaceutical companies.
5. To stop the discussion of the bill draft on the introduction of ”preventive vaccination against COVID-19” to the National Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations (to Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” dated 17.09.1998 N 157-FZ) in the State Duma of the Russian Federation until the end of a broad discussion of this issue with the engagement of independent scientists and physicians.
6. Do not certify prematurely all experimental drugs (the so-called vaccines against COVID-19) before the disclosure of the results of clinical trials, their detailed verification and subsequent comprehensive public discussion.
7. To transfer the functions of the epidemiological service from the Federal Service for Surveillance of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
8. To dismiss the Government of the Russian Federation due to its inability to cope with panic and professionally organize the work of the health care system. This has already led to an excess mortality from “non-covid” diseases estimated in hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens.
9. To initiate criminal cases against persons guilty of inciting panic, substitution of concepts, use of misinformation and adoption of deliberately erroneous decisions that caused an excessive increase in the additional mortality rates of the population.
1. To apply to the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with a request to initiate an international investigation of the global covid fraud at the site of the UN Security Council, to identify its organizers and beneficiaries, to bring the perpetrators to justice for the crimes against humanity.
2. To apply to the President and the Government of the Russian Federation demanding the abolition of all illegal regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing and the governors limiting the personal integral and other constitutional rights of Russian citizens (compulsory vaccination, QR codes, testing, self-isolation, etc.).
3. To Publish the Resolution for public discussion and send to all authorities of all branches of state authorities of the Russian Federation.
Dr.Med.Sc., Prof. Pavel A. Vorobyev
Dr.Med.Sc., Prof. Alexander A. Redko
Dr.Med.Sc., Prof. Vladislav A. Shafalinov
Dr.Med.Sc., Prof. Igor A. Gundarov
Dr.Med.Sc., Prof. Denis V. Ivanov
Dr.Ec.Sc., Prof. Valentin Yu. Katasonov
Dr.B.Sc., C.P.S. Irina V. Ermakova.
C.M.Sc. Irina V. Zhuzhgova
C.M.Sc., Associate Professor Sergey A. Anufriev
C.L.Sc. Anna V. Shabauer
Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander V. Saversky
Lawyer Natalya I. Novakova
Therapist Sofya A. Naumenko
Political expert, candidate to presidents of Bulgaria Plamen Paskov
Entrepreneur Dina S. Gibson
Leader of the headquarters of Social movement “Parents of Moscow”, C.T.S. Alexey Yu. Plokhov
Chairman of the Commission for child protection from destructive and dangerous content of the Public Council at the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information technology and Mass Media Andrey B. Tsyganov
Leader of Public organization “Union of orthodox laymen” Anatoly A. Artyukh
Public family protection commissioner in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Olga N. Baranets
Researcher, engineer – physicist Vladimir S. Kolchin
Human rights lawyer, coordinator of Public movement People’s Anti-Fascism Movement for Consolidation “STOPVACZISM” Denis A. Shulga